Nick's journey along one of the natural wonders of the world continues as he travels along the length of the Mississippi River.In Memphis, he can't believe his luck when, as a lifelong Elvis fan, he gets the opportunity to record a song in the very studios where the King of Rock and Roll began his legendary career, and recorded his first hit, before heading to the outfitters responsible for some of Elvis' most memorable styles. At the Peabody Hotel in Memphis Nick finds himself chaperoning the hotel's five resident ducks along a red carpet, as Nick takes on the curious ceremonial role of ‘Duck Master.'Further south, Nick joins people dedicating their lives to the service of their ‘Queen', the Mississippi River itself. Paddling the river in traditional canoes, Nick learns why it's essential to protect the river, which is home to huge numbers of fish and bird life, before enjoying a picnic on a sandy bluff midriver, where they feast on catfish and corn on the cob.In Jackson, Nick uncovers some shocking truths about the Civil Rights Movement, and visits the home of Medgar Evers, one of the most prominent Civil Rights activists, who he learns, was tragically assassinated outside his house.The wetlands of Louisiana are being eroded at an alarming rate, Nick braves the ‘gators' and the sweltering heat to head out into the swamp to plant grasses as part of a shoreline restoration project.In the ‘Big Easy,' New Orleans, Nick is inspired by the awesome scale of the Lake Borgne surge barrier, built to protect the city following the disastrous Hurricane Katrina. As the sun sets, Nick brings his epic journey to a close as he sails down the Mississippi on a traditional paddleboat.
PsyEnz : his Podcasts are just as good, so this special seemed super meh.