Detectives Ed Green and Lennie Briscoe from the 27th Precinct report a suspicious cyanide poisoning to the Major Case Squad. When other cyanide deaths occur in a hospital, Goren and Eames initially suspect Colleen Braxton, a nurse who fits the typical criminal profile, but the poisonings continue while Braxton is in custody. The source of the cyanide is tracked down to a batch of laced over-the-counter Necedrol pills. The investigation turns to the victims' families which leads the detectives to a widow named Trudy Pomeranski. The detectives discover she killed her husband and sued the medicine company, then laced other boxes of the same medication around the city in an attempt to cover-up the murder and strengthen her lawsuit. As she used her lawsuit money to buy into a infant clothing franchise, she was caught mailing a cyanide laced letter to the Ledger. She is subsequently arrested while setting up her store, after her franchise agreement was nullified due to a morals clause, when her mother was considered a suspect.
Incessant Chatter : I watched this to see if anyone has seen Kyle...