Hina looks after Ichika, but danger still lurks nearby. Akuma Kun further investigates the case by making another visit to the Asanagi house.
Arcangel2020 : "Witchblade" the series was really good, and it's unfortunate the way it ended. Actress Ya...
Gnostic_Alchemist : Solid action movie
yellow_rose1 : Yes I concur, with your statement 💯👍
AmieWarren : I have no idea what is going on now. I'm going to read the books that were loaned to me, b...
dosmundos : you stfu, no asked you for your opinion. it's all hidden under spoiler anyway you goof. gu...
Paralyzed : I love silo! The ending is amazing, tell-tell that the next season will be a prequel, whic...
hackenprof : After a couple decades of smoking being taboo in everything but period pieces, it has beco...
hackenprof : Next two seasons are greenlit. If they follow the books, the next season should be origin ...
Terrifying Timber : I was prepared to reply with a rebuttal, but it's not worth it.
simones : I don't know how to describe this movie except as a fantastical allegory of social mores, ...
Arcangel2020 : "Witchblade" the series was really good, and it's unfortunate the way it ended. Actress Ya...