CNN Senior Correspondent Donie O'Sullivan returns with a new chapter in his Emmy®-nominated investigation into the American political wilderness and those caught up in a maelstrom of misinformation.In this episode, O'Sullivan meets former "Bernie Bros," whose disillusionment with politics has led them to embrace far-right extremism. Some of them spend most of their waking hours online playing video games, say they feel left behind in the United States, and are now embracing conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, and even Vladimir Putin."So much of the hate and extremism we see across American politics today is appealing to and being promoted by young men who, rightly or wrongly, feel aggrieved," said O'Sullivan. "In ‘MisinfoNation: The Lost Left' we begin to explore how political opportunists are using social media to play on these men's insecurities and radicalize them."O'Sullivan visits a rally of so-called MAGA Communists in Michigan and speaks with 24-year-old Jackson Hinkle, an emerging and charismatic young leader of the movement. He speaks with protestors outside of the Democratic National Convention and joins up with one of Twitch's biggest political stars, Hasan Piker, who is trying to fight online hate and misinformation.
rascal : Just watched the 1st episode and right from the start of it wow it'll grab you . I hope th...