A powerful drama set in 1980s Copenhagen, Pia and Mackerel's passionate love story unfolds against the high-octane backdrop of the "Bullshit" biker gang.Inspired by actual events, Bullshit tells the dramatic story of a group of lost youth in late 70s and early 80s Copenhagen. They find community and belonging in the biker gang 'Bullshit' – but end up in brutal conflict.
Pia is only sixteen when she finds the courage to leave her family. All she takes with her is 100 Kroner and a desire to be part of a community. Henning, eighteen, known as "Mackerel", has also turned his back on the acceptable society of the late 70s. He dreams of brotherhood, freedom, and motorcycles. He fights his way into Bullshit, eventually becoming its President and Pia becoming his beloved wife. Life is good for a moment, but Mackerel finds himself in a bloody war against the Hells Angels, and there is no going back.
The series is based on the Cavling award-winning non-fiction book 'Bullshit: The Story of a Family' by Camilla Stockmann and Janus Køster-Rasmussen.
joalex : Couldn't agree more. Seems like the writer didn't have enough time to write a proper episo...