The series revolves around the slum colony of Dharavi set in the city of dreams - Mumbai. The series showcases the life of Thalaivan - a gangster with a business of over 30,000 crores. Thalaivan has a strong hold on Dharavi with an abundance of muscle, power and money. Thalavian's popularity poses a threat to the government and leads to the Chief Minister, Janvi Surve, planning a meticulous scheme against him. In a desperate attempt to hold onto power Chief Minister, orders a raid on Thalavian's empire. To help her in the mission, she employs Joint Commissioner Jayant Gavaskar. Apart from the professional obligation Jayant also seems to have a personal motive to go against Thalavian. What is this motive? Will Gavaskar and Janvi succeed in the mission? Will Thalaivan manage to retain his power in the Dharavi area? |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | November 19, 2022 | |
Genres: | Thriller Crime | |
Countries: | India | |
Companies: | Zee Studios MX Player | |
Zooke : I enjoyed this show, not so keen on the bits that feel like moral preaching but there was ...