A Marvel Cinematic Universe series centered on Simon Williams AKA Wonder Man. In the comics, Wonder Man's real name is Simon Williams, the son of a wealthy industrialist whose company falls on hard times due to competition from Tony Stark's Stark Industries. As a result, Williams accepts an offer from villain Baron Zemo that gives him ionic superpowers including super strength and durability. After fighting the Avengers several times, Wonder Man ultimately joined their ranks. |
In Development
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | Unknown | |
Genres: | Action Sci-Fi | |
AKA: | Marvel Studios: Wonder Man, Marvel Television: Wonder Man | |
Companies: | Disney+ Family Owned Kevin Feige Productions Marvel Studios | |
Cast: | Ben Kingsley Demetrius Grosse Yahya Abdul-Mateen II | |
Crew: | Destin Daniel Cretton Andrew Guest Asher Goldstein | |
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