The second installment of "Let The World See" follows Ms. Mamie Till-Mobley's journey to the Jim Crow South to face the two white men, J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant, on trial for Emmett Till's murder. The episode details the events of the trial, including the historic testimony of her uncle Rev. Mose Wright who stood up on the witness stand and pointed to Emmett Till's abductors, the 18-year-old Black man who came forward to describe what he saw the morning of Emmett Till's death, and the subsequent confession the two accused men made with their reasons for killing Emmett Till. The program also highlights the protests across the country after the jury acquitted Milam and Bryant. The episode features interviews with recording artist and activist Common; former first lady Michelle Obama; Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr.; Mayor of Glendora, Mississippi, Johnny Thomas, whose stepfather was suspected of aiding the murderers; authors Angie Thomas and Michael Eric Dyson; professors Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad and Gloria J. Browne-Marshall and more. |
Title: | There He Is | |
Air Date: | January 13, 2022 | |
Runtime: | 59 min | |
michaelmyers : these songs '' takes me back to when we had a skatting ring and we had ...