greyfur : YW
IcarusGotBurned : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Mark definitely won't die, but they're trying to it build up to that up so that the audien...
yellow_rose1 : another outstanding ep.
brvdley : No i think she was upset because she had to sacrifice herself for the company remember Hel...
Yurocalling : danm! really want to download a copy of episode 3. MAN! please someone upload one with a d...
MP8219 : Jeeeeezus Chr*st this show is good!
MP8219 : They always cancel the best shows. Just not meant for the masses I guess.
Can I pet that dawg? : Fantastic portrayal of the devastating harms of capitalism.
random000 : Industry insiders were said to have really liked it. As an animation fan, we liked it. The...
Davidleefl43 : i loved it i was shocked when they canceled it