Warped! follows Milo, the beloved head geek and manager at a popular comic book store whose microcosm is disrupted when his boss hires the loud and excitable, Ruby. Despite their differences, the two form an unlikely alliance when they team up to create the next great graphic novel with friends, Hurley, the pizza worker next door, and Darby, who dreams of opening her own fashion line. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | January 16, 2022 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Comedy Children | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Nickelodeon | |
Cast: | Jason Rogel Ariana Molkara Anton Starkman Kate Godfrey Christopher Martinez Milan Carter | |
Crew: | Jonathan Judge Heath Seifert Kevin Kopelow Rick Butler Joseph W. Calloway Jim Jones Reid Nakamura Craig Wyrick-Solari Beth Correll Jeny Quine Joey Manderino 6 more Kevin Kay Sarah Schmaus Fred Rapoport Kevin Charles Sullivan Philippe Iujvidin Mariel Manimtim | |
yellow_rose1 : Excellent production, I so enjoyed this. Channing and Scarlet made the movie what it was a...