The drama revolves around three twenty-somethings who, following an experimental gene therapy, are turned into monsters who band together to hunt down the scientist responsible and force him to make them human again.
yellow_rose1 : Merry Christmas
trillianregina : I was wrong, *now* they're doing the *real* silly, Fun episode
vj41963 : Worst looking werewolves ever. Terrible movie.
AdChris : LOL so I see yes.*
Alien : That's past tense, right?
Alien : Oh, I love this man so much. R.I.P. Dr. Hartley (you too, Bob)
skoooper : Lets gooo
IceKreamSundaze : Merry Christmas randoms!!! keep on keeping on
Zonkl : I liked it
IceKreamSundaze : merry christmas
yellow_rose1 : Merry Christmas