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Wow. Sean Penn is unrecognizable in this. Wasn’t until the third ep or so till I remembered he was in it.
I thought it was Julia Roberts.
I recognized him immediately,profile and voice. looks like a good show.
Yeah, now that I’m aware that he’s in the show I can’t unsee that it’s him. Had me fooled up till then, though—I thought it was just some vaguely familiar character actor’s face.
Not to mention I don’t usually look too closely at crusty old dudes’ faces—all us old farts look alike anyway ;)
hahaha I resemble that remark! :) not old… Vintage :)
‘My Momma slaps me harder than that!’ LOL that’s going to be a classic line. I’m sold!
I was about 13 years old when this happened. Needless to say, I wasn’t interested in Watergate, what young teen would be. Now that I’m in my early 60’s I wish I had paid closer attention to what was happening that hot summer. I remember Nixon getting on the chopper and turning around and doing the peace sign and his head looked to big for his body. Then Ford as president….I didn’t care for either of them.
Julia Roberts as Martha Mitchell, yes please.