"Canadian Idol" is a Canadian reality singing competition show, based on the British show Pop Idol. The show is a competition to find the most talented young singer in Canada.The show begins with a cross-Canada tour in which singers audition in front of four judges. Eventually the performers are narrowed down to 10 finalists (11 in season one due to a near-tie), with each competitor performing live. Viewers have two hours following the broadcast of the show to phone in their votes for their favourite competitor. On the following night's episode (live again), the competitor with the fewest votes is sent home. After the final two perform, viewers have more than two hours to vote. The next day (five days later in season 4; two days later in season 6), the competitor with the most votes is declared the winner. The show is taped at the John Bassett Theatre in Toronto, Ontario. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | June 9, 2003 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Countries: | Canada | |
Companies: | CTV | |
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