This intriguing tale of magic and witchcraft in which each episode follows the adventures of four youngsters - two being the offspring of the local minister - as they try to piece together clues from an ancient diary belonging to an old vicar which are coinciding with strange events going on in their village. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | November 14, 1983 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Mystery Fantasy Children | |
Countries: | United Kingdom | |
Companies: | ITV | |
Cast: | Sheila Grant Jane Wood Adam Woodyatt Robert Swann John Barrard Zoe Loftin Paul Curtis Heidi Mayo Giles Harper | |
Alsoavetswife : A nice simple western. I was impressed with the little girl, learning kiowa! Impressive. ...