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Is there a kernel of truth to be found within the ancient legends of giants? The final episode of the season explores the discovery of a new lineage of hominid DNA that challenges us to reexamine the origins human civilizations.The unearthing of Denisovan man may be most exciting discovery of an unknown hominid species, as the DNA from these remains have told us so much about a forgotten human species which has a destiny linked with ours. The proximity of these remains to colossal-megalithic structures further fuels the debate that genetically modern humans once coexisted with a giant hominid species. Plus, high levels of Denisovan DNA are being reported throughout the world's populations. Thus, we are beginning to see that the story of human evolution is far more complicated that we could have ever imagined.

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Title: Denisovans: They Might Be Giants
Air Date: April 3, 2018
Runtime: Unknown
Genres: History

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