Seven strangers are giving up the comforts of the modern world in an attempt to build a self-sustaining colony in the Alaskan wilderness in the 100 Days Wild. The series follows five men and two women as they hone their skills and work together to hunt, gather, and build a shelter over the course of 100 days, before the start of the brutal Alaskan winter. 

  • Currently 65.71428571428571/5
(14 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: August 20, 2020
Runtime: 60 min
Genres: Adventure
Countries: United States
Companies: Discovery Channel

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magically_delicious 5 points 4 years ago. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

This show is one of the worst supposed survivalist shows around. Talk about your impracticable bunch of ill-prepared wanna-be’s. Give it a miss or have a laugh. They are so scripted and pre-screened to be weird it’s only funny in a “how stupid is this target audience supposed to be anyways?” kinda way. -10/5

ibgabe 1 points 4 years ago. 1/5 stars.

I agree. If you’re interested in this sort of material, there are several seasons of ALONE you could catch up on … there’s Survivorman … there are even YouTube channels that feature better content.

I could tell after twenty minutes in to the first episode that this was trash.

Invalid ID 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

this show is fake af. i mean they are really in alaska, but they are being helped, and even acting. I mean just one thing is when dude flipped his canoe. that was totally caused by the camera boat, but they acted like it was a random accident. they are hiking around in the freezing alaska cold with their hoods down. someone is shoveling their trails. i could go on. this show is bs

warn 1 points 4 years ago.

Wonder if Dexter went to this camp? Some slightly odd people on this show.