Tej and Aarya Sareen have three children Veer, Arundati and Aditya. Tej who was supposed to take Adi to school drops the plans as his partners in the company Aaryasattava Pharmaceuticals Sangram and Jawahar call due to an emergency. Adi takes his father's gun from his car without anyone's knowledge and point it at the kids who were bullying him at his school. Meanwhile Aarya visits her mother. During the visit Aarya mother denies to attend the marriage because of the girlfriend Aarya father has even though her and Aarya father are not yet divorced. Aarya visits her fathers house and tells him not to bring his girlfriend, Radhika to the wedding as she wants her mother to attend the wedding. Sangram in the warehouse reveals he has taken three consignments of Heroin from their rivals and wants to sell them to which tej says no to, soon a shoot out takes place where they kills two of their rival gang members and Tej realise that and warns his partners that it is not a good idea to mess with the rivals. However Sangram continues his search for the buying party for the heroine during the wedding. The principle from the school calls Aarya and tells her about the gun incident and calls her to the school. Aarya explains to Adi the violence Is never the answer. Aarya and Tej have a fall out because of the gun incident with their son. Sangram when leaving out to take the sample to the buying party, is caught by ACP Khan with the heroine. Jawahar suspects Tej is behind the incident as he opposed the plan of selling Heroin. After the wedding festivities were done, Tej promises Aarya that he will work out a plan to get themselves out of this mess. Next day while going out Tej was shot thrice at his house. |
Title: | Tum Mujhpe Bharosa Karti Ho? | |
Air Date: | June 19, 2020 | |
Runtime: | Unknown | |
Genres: | Drama Thriller Crime | |
magically_delicious : Contains spoilers. Click to show. The book's ending was completely different; it was ambiguous with the hope of help still ...