Last episode's eviction twist sent shock waves through the house. This episode, the housemates are trying hard to stay calm while Big Brother does their best to get their pulses racing.
Researcher : Shohreh Aghdashloo, "Elaida," always has the best wardrobe. The stuff she wore in "The Exp...
ninjaduncan26 : i enjoyed this as a tpb fan! wish jricky and julian were in it more tbh but bubbles and ra...
michaelmyers : they going all out with this one lol !
Birdsforme : Contains spoilers. Click to show. A very slow moving film. The just of it is about Italian immigrants in Australia. The y...
Matick : Just not a good movie. Its watchable, but you just dont feel anything.
WolgerrWolff : Get a life
prfob : Taylor Sheridan needs to begin closing some of these long, drawn out plots......for exampl...
Euringer : Honestly though, just Google it. It's a very unique initialism, and you started by insulti...
DonnyDarko : Chris Pratt, looking like the lead singer of Nickelback.
fouronesevenfly : so gooood
Researcher : Shohreh Aghdashloo, "Elaida," always has the best wardrobe. The stuff she wore in "The Exp...