Disney Junior's Mira, Royal Detective is an animated mystery-adventure series for preschoolers inspired by the cultures and customs of India. Set in the fictional land of Jalpur, the series follows the brave and resourceful Mira, a commoner who is appointed to the role of royal detective by the Queen. Along with her friend Prince Neel, a talented inventor, creative cousin Priya, and comical mongoose sidekicks Mikku and Chikku, Mira will stop at nothing to solve a case. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | March 20, 2020 | |
Runtime: | 12 min | |
Genres: | Adventure Mystery Fantasy | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | DisneyNOW Wild Canary Disney Junior | |
Cast: | Kal Penn Utkarsh Ambudkar Leela Ladnier | |
Crew: | Sascha Paladino Becca Topol | |
hellsingfan01 : It still hasn't happened yet.