expresso : Fascinating, can't stop. These legends are part of dozens of books and works of art I've e...
Geogenesis : This film is so stupid but that did not stop me from LMAO! It deserves that sequel.
greyfur : Well, that was seriously worth watching. Will have to go and watch the others now, even if...
Alien : This one is good
grasshopper rex : Easily my favorite film of 2024. Melancholic and bittersweet, like all of Alex Elliot's fi...
kerfy : my thoughts exactly .. wow..
kerfy : well, our hero is getting pretty good ..
Dante89 : Purely awesome ! Great character development. <3
McShagan : The sequel was called the "Jewel of the Nile" if my memory serves.
Lily23 : I remember it as Romancing the Stone from way back when..maybe there was a parody or such?
expresso : Fascinating, can't stop. These legends are part of dozens of books and works of art I've e...