The Walking Dead: World Beyond expands the universe of The Walking Dead, delving into a new mythology and story that follows the first generation raised in a surviving civilization of the post-apocalyptic world. Two sisters along with two friends leave a place of safety and comfort to brave dangers, known and unknown, living and undead on an important quest. Pursued by those who wish to protect them and those who wish to harm them, a tale of growing up and transformation unfurls across dangerous terrain, challenging everything they know about the world, themselves and each other. Some will become heroes. Some will become villains. But all of them will find the truths they seek.

  • Currently 48.118811881188115/5
(101 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 5.6/10
Released: October 4, 2020
Runtime: 60 min
Genres: Drama Horror
Countries: United States
Companies: AMC AMC Networks Skybound Entertainment
Cast: Julia Ormond Pollyanna McIntosh Annet Mahendru Nico Tortorella Nicolas Cantu Joe Holt Aliyah Royale Ted Sutherland Hal Cumpston Jelani Alladin Alexa Mansour 1 more
Crew: Scott M. Gimple Matthew Negrete

Trailers (9)


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Mephistopheles 6 points 4 years ago.

these kids couldn’t survive anything more arduous than a trip to starbucks

Rodjenka 5 points 4 years ago*.

This whole TWD: the Wonder years really isn’t working for me. This is more Disney than f’ing Bambi.
While they’re writing in their diaries & spouting deep emo facts about the greatest force in nature, Judith is like WTH! Kill that walker!

Peevee 2 points 4 years ago.

They really just should have made this show a teenage Judith spinoff. Heck, the girl who plays Judith on TWD: Original Recipe is just a year younger than Alexa Mansour’s CHARACTER on this show (Alexa is 24 irl but her character is a teenager. 14 or 15. Cailey Fleming who plays Judith on Original Recipe TWD is 13 irl)

Jhigh03 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Judith is, at least to me, far more interesting than all these kids combined, neither male seems really interested in being there nor are they really following a girl like is typically a motivator in situations like these. And would make more sense to me than just to take pics, seems like he’s more of a male version of Al from FTWD. Also, I’m not sure how much more I can stand from Iris, her speeches don’t feel very convincing or sincere. I’m not sure if it’s her acting or the writing but probably a combination of both.

Kid Kryptonite 7 points 4 years ago.

This show is trash and managed to turn a good horror drama franchise into a teen soap opera. Writing is terrible, should’ve focused on kids already being established survivors instead of these clueless characters leaving comfort of safe zone on illogical mission. It’s so frustrating to watch especially since you want to see them die to learn lesson.

Peevee 8 points 4 years ago*.

Just watched. It’s very different from original recipe TWD or Fear. Almost like if “Party of Five” had zombies. That being said, I will continue to watch as I like the characters, especially Hope.

Peevee 8 points 4 years ago.

Also important to note. I can see a lot of hardcore TWD fans absolutely HATING this show but I would like to be proven wrong :).

wildcatman420 4 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m getting ready to watch rn. I read a few non “spoilery” reviews and they’ve said that it’s sort of like TWD, but with teens and less action. So I’m going into it kinda expecting something different.

Peevee 5 points 4 years ago.

I liked it but I think I’d probably have preferred a Judith spinoff (with Cailey Fleming) after original recipe TWD ends but alas, this isn’t bad at all but I can definitely see a lot of the hardcore fans not liking this.

Jhigh03 6 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I wonder if those reviews you mentioned got access to more than just the pilot episode. normally profesional reviewers get the first 3 or 4 episodes and sometimes as much as half the season to make a full judgement.

Peevee 3 points 4 years ago.

Very true Jhigh03! I can’t see this going too hardcore horror. It’s definitely starter horror and I’m ok with that.

Jhigh03 4 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

that funny, u called it starter horror. Not sure if you watched the return of TWD yet, but when it premire on TV proper on sunday “The World Beyond” will follow after TWD. and that episode seemes to be the most grapich I’ve seen in a long while.

Peevee 3 points 4 years ago.

I haven’t watched it yet. It’s weird this is on at 10:00 though.

wildcatman420 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

One of the articles discussed the first two episodes.

Peevee 2 points 4 years ago.

Curious what you’ll think. Keep in touch!

Jhigh03 1 points 4 years ago.

I am for sure losing interest the more I watch. I was Into it in the beginig because I was digging the mythos and backstoey they had going whith the foundation set by the other shows, but now it seems to have devolved into exactly what others here have stated, junior horror. Really not even horror, as its more just suspense. And in my opinion , not very good suspense since I don’t feel as if any of these characters are in danger of being killed off. And that was what made TWD Proper feel so diffrent and great. Same as GOT. Also I’m wondering how much longer it can go without introducing a Big Bad, since that is what really drives the other two series each season, otherwise this is really just “Tom Sawyer x Benji”, and geared for the same demographic. I expect more from AMC, I can see this Mon. through Fri. on CW if i wanted too.

wildcatman420 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I watched it last night and I did enjoy it. I thought it was kind of slow starting out tbh and other than the two girl lead actors, I didn’t much care for the other teen characters. I am excited to see how this series turns out though and how it connects to the entire Walking Dead universe.

thedamaged0ne 6 points 4 years ago.

thank god they said there would only be 2 seasons of this spin-off. this feels like disney channel meets the walking dead.

Killion 6 points 4 years ago. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

I hated TWD because it’s the same boring ass zombies every time and this is no different. I know I know It’s about the people. Well if I wanted to watch a drama, I would. Just once I want to see a smart zombie or the zombies terrified of the people because the dead doesn’t scare me one bit, but the living are terrifying….

DemandingFemale 8 points 4 years ago. 1/5 stars.

Tommee my first Zombie show.
Imagine if Nickelodeon and The CW had a zombie baby and put it through a blender.

BigHat 7 points 4 years ago.

Skip this show unless you like CW teen tv… very disapointed by the acting, dialogue and character writing. I have fallen off TWD for the past few seasons and was really excited for a fresh take… Well this ain’t it man. More like the average teen against the world CW series with zombies sprinkled in

mikeym 4 points 4 years ago.

I agree, it’s like they decided to make a teen spin off. We know it’s going to be predictable, the writers are getting lazy and not using their imagination. I will give it a couple more episodes to see where it goes

RobberDeNiro 7 points 4 years ago.

This was horrible!!! Should’ve put all that energy INTO the original TWD. I’m giving up hope that any new shows related to TWD in the future will be any good.

etim 3 points 4 years ago*.

I agree, the 1st ep was pretty bad. I’m gonna give it a chance for a few eps and hope it gets better—maybe watch long enough to see what happens if/when Rick shows back up.

duuuuuuuuuude 4 points 4 years ago.

Apparently you can still get a weave and pluck your eyebrows in the middle of a zombie apocyclops.

duuuuuuuuuude 6 points 4 years ago.

They should call this garbage “The WOKEing Dead.”

christian baden -1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

totally agreed, nothing worse than this leftish cry-baby slow moving stereotype stories from gimple etc

Rob Apples 5 points 4 years ago.

Like zombies, this series and its spin-offs JUST… WONT… DIE!!!

hic 3 points 4 years ago.

wow, the networks are just milking this genre! did anyone tell them, this is pretty much done? Trend is gone!

booger 2 points 4 years ago. 1/5 stars.

Like the last few seasons of TWD, this series focuses more on character development than anything else and unless you are a fan of getting to know each and every characters back story down to the most minute of details, I suggest giving this a pass.
Out of 10 stars I give this a 9.75 to drama and a .25 for action/comedy/reality etc.

the2nd 2 points 4 years ago.

TO UPLOADER: Thanks!!! :)

rdmovieman 2 points 4 years ago.

Got to say I’m on episode 8 and I think the only reason I’m watching now is just because I’m still invested in The Walking Dead series that I can’t stop watching, other than that there is no way I would watch this show if it was the first time I ever saw a Walking Dead episode. This show is so boring oh, it is more drama and each episode is just so drawn out that it’s almost hard to watch. Sorry to all of those die-hard fans out there that aren’t going to agree with me, what in my opinion this is a total flop. The show needs to make a dramatic change in order to keep this going otherwise it’s only going to be one or two seasons Maybe.

coyotejoe 2 points 4 years ago.

I just think CW shows are terrific high school, teen angst, he said she said drama and a whole zombie puppet in the background is cutie af…didn’t think TWD writing could get any worse.

Davidleefl43 2 points 4 years ago. 3/5 stars.

Nico Tortorella & Annet Mahendru are really saving this show it was a slow burner at the beginning but it’s get really interesting
If your looking for a walking dead vibe you might not love it but as a show “alone” in general it has a unique storyline and almost doesn’t feel related to TWD so look at it like it’s another zombie show cause if you don’t you will be disappointed sadly

shesmydriver 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Are these characters from Fear or TWD? What is the timeline of this one? Before, during or after events of Fear or TWD? Was ok. Seemed targeted for the younger demographics.

420SCHOrPY 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

these are new characters, it takes place 10 years after the “day the sky fell”, when the outbreak began….regular twd fans will have a big question answered in the 1st 5 minutes and then the rest of the episode finding all new questions. there will also be easter eggs for fans of the other series’ as well.

greyfur 2 points 4 years ago. 3/5 stars.

Well, finally got a chance to watch this, and rather liked it. Certainly different then Fear or TWD, but think after it gets going, if the writers are worth anything, it will carry its weight, as it seems to have some potential.

Might even be after TWD and Fear come to their conclusion, we might even (and possibly well before, Why not?) see some of the people that are in those shows in this one. Would be nice to see a few guest shots, and maybe even a few that could become regulars on the show. Daryl would be a good one, in any capacity.That could prove interesting….

joshmajor1987 2 points 4 years ago. 2/5 stars.

Wow!!! I think I’ve given this a fair chance, I’m 5 episodes in and I swear I’m f@&king dummer after each episode!! Don’t get me wrong, if your 15 or in high school or just love shows with that “saved by the bell” feel-then this is for you!! PLUS zombies!! I just can’t stand watching the as of now, guaranteed to be 30 mins of teenybopper drama, with 10 mins of action, and if your lucky 5-7 mins of zombies Lol if you liked the origins of this story and the original then you’ll hate this! If you like teenybopper shows and want alittle horror thrown in to spice things up, this will be your new show!! Congrats, you get 2 seasons haha sorry, I tried! I really did. Thanks for the quick/early links, you rock!! Even if the show doesn’t 😉

joshmajor1987 2 points 4 years ago. 2/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

3 episodes in and I swear it’s getting worse Lol You’ve got 30 mins of teenage Boo Hoo-ing, 10 mins of action spread across the whole episode. Then maybe 3-5 mins of interesting story, if there was commercials I would of stopped watching last episode!! Lol Could be REALLY good but I’m afraid it’s gonna turn into what we’re all afraid it was gonna be once we saw the trailer the first time. If you like TWD or FTWD this is gonna be REALLY boring to you, I actually dozed off in the 3rd episode it was that action packed! Haha Other than Mass Genocide there’s been 1-2 zombies killed, if that through 3 episodes Lol P.S-They’re not walkers or the dead in this either, something different.

GCarlin 2 points 4 years ago.

How do you stop a zombie from biting?
Make them wear a mask.

Peevee 3 points 4 years ago.

You should know since you are a zombie Georgie Boy! :p

sanbro5 1 points 4 years ago.

Two episodes in and everybody is an expert. Too funny. The show has possibilities and I will watch and see.

koredez 4 points 4 years ago.

Funny enough everyone is an expert on on what they do or don’t like. It’s called human emotions. Just because you like it doesn’t necessarily mean everyone does because people’s tastes are eclectic.

TheTruth 1 points 3 years ago.

So I don’t want to watch this whole series but I want to see those fast zombies I heard about being introduced in walking dead universe. Which episode is this ?

yonkk 1 points 4 years ago.

The World Beyond had better meet up with Fear the Walking Dead. The only thing good to come of this show will be the death of all the World Beyond characters to have Negan sacrifice them on the main show.

Daimyon 1 points 4 years ago.

I’ll be honest, if they had a spin-off showing Negan’s story from the start of the outbreak up to the point he appears on TWD, I’d watch that. Negan was such an interesting character.

christian baden -2 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

i have seen TWD since episode one and was constantly freaked out,how a bunch of “leftish” scriptwriters destroyed an interesting story line…
this goes way back to the “Abraham” of the idea, George Romero, who was himself a far-left extremist and therefore concentrated on the “broken” society in his movies
with every new “show” this cr.p goes on and on…
you find gays,lesbians,all minorities mixed together in this episodes,but you DON’T find three people with common sense, survival will nor any kind of self prevaillance motivation…
they lament on their views of doom while blindly walking from one desaster to the next like 4 year old babies,for crying out loud!
you really believe,a society of our age finds after TEN years nothing better to self-protect than a extention-stick with a flipping carpet knife? really,for gods sake????
this show will go down the drain just the other 3 before and NOT,because the scenario couldnt provide enough material for decades,BUT because the writing people are caught in an ever smaller getting pocket of their own views on society!
shame,if this really is all, the US-movie-industry has to offer on the subject.
btw.just saw “Epidemia” from the russian netflix,which was really WAY better

alexisbits 0 points 4 years ago. 3/5 stars.

Loving this series so far. I’m sure they’ll run it into the ground (pun intended) in a few seasons. But for now, it’s fun.

Jhigh03 0 points 4 years ago.

Did I miss the pun?

alexisbits 1 points 4 years ago. 3/5 stars.

It was a bad one, I admit…

Jhigh03 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

ok, lol. I just got it, honestly. “walking-run”, God i feel so dense. anywho, I just had to share that it finally dawned on me, take it easy.

ziggycat2008 0 points 3 years ago.

they need some negan

MrsDeadwalker 0 points 3 years ago.

I need me some Negan too!

Drizzt 0 points 3 years ago.

HHmmm. ya like it. or don’t, I’ll watch S2 eps1 and let ya all know :) I don’t watch the TWD at all. So it’ll be interesting ! :) don’t get me wrong, I have seen a few of the old shows, then just stopped following the show !!