Earth to Ned follows a blue-skinned alien named Ned along with his lieutenant Cornelius, who were sent to scout Earth for an eventual invasion — but instead became obsessed with popular culture. Now they host a talk show, broadcast from the bridge of their spaceship hidden deep underground, where they interview our most precious commodity — celebrities — to talk about Ned's current pop culture obsessions. Ned will be bringing real-life celebrity guests to his ship from across the known universe and interviewing them, late-night talk show style, in hopes of producing the ultimate talk show — making Ned a celebrity and putting him further off-mission. And the more Ned learns about our human culture, the more obsessed he becomes. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | September 4, 2020 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
Companies: | Disney+ The Jim Henson Company Marwar Junction Productions | |
Cast: | Paul Rugg Colleen Smith Michael Oosterom | |
Crew: | Brian Henson Joseph Freed Allison Berkley Vince Raisa | |
newman : Contains spoilers. Click to show. You said "in the books she doesn't die" Who said she died in the show?? YOU DID I have no ...