Set two years after the story of Gundam Build Divers, a new version of the "Gunpla Battle Nexus Online" (GBN) game launches. The story centers on four Divers who participate with completely different play styles and levels. Hiroto is a lone Diver, Kazami is a Diver that plays in different parties, May is Diver who plays the game all day, and Parviz is a shy beginner with the determination to be in a party with other players. All four band together to form a team and experience something that goes beyond the game. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | October 10, 2019 | |
Genres: | Action Anime Sci-Fi | |
Companies: | YouTube | |
Twixtid : Rigel in this is SG1s Maybourne, loveable scoundral.