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Not a dry Eye In the House
20 minutes in I started crying. Because that’s 20 minutes I could have watched paint dry watched the neighbourhood cats walk by count city buses you know anything else that could even be slightly more of a better time than watching this drivel. I admit I didn’t get past the 1st 20 minutes but really did I want to ? NO. 20minutes and the show hadn’t grabbed me in any way. Like c’mon the opening scene a women speeding and hitting the statue ? 1st of all is she blind, texting or on her phone? How could she not see something that size. Also if anyone else noticed where was she speeding to? It was a 3 way intersection and directly ahead of her was an (albeit paved) lane way. Somebody should be fired over that faux pa. I was expecting a lot more from this cast but I guess there’s no getting over bad writing, directing or location scouts or editors that are inept. Will avoid this show and go back to anything else. Hey the 1st coat of paint is almost dry.
hAhA you should comment more often
Halfway through the first season and this show is excellent. Indigenous treaty rights have never been so funny, but don’t let that put you off what is a slice of life in an historic small town in America.
just misses being funny