Eleven-year-old Pharaoh is thrilled to meet his dream dog, Gizmo the pug. And could it be third time lucky for Rocco, the bounciest Jack Russell, with the adventurous Job family?
kavik75 : Bloody! Lots and lots of blood. More than Evil dead. Lots of bloody action. Definitely...
Researcher : Gosh, I wish they'd change her wardrobe!
Piglet : It was okay for a one-time-watch. I actually saw Marky Mark and the funky bunch in concert...
Piglet : I had to chuckle a bit at the "made-for-tv" movie. Most born in the 1990's probably don't ...
Piglet : I like Carrie-Anne Moss, so I might watch it.
yarner78 : Bloody Awesome movie! OG comedy!
Sally : Hopefully Stevie Rogers will show up as Old Man... Captain America down the road...
Gwthlin : I loved the books, couldn't put them down. I had read criticism that they were slow, and o...
Sassinak : omg this is horrific
Kateri81 : This is the sweetest show I have ever watched. I love it so much and every episode makes m...
kavik75 : Bloody! Lots and lots of blood. More than Evil dead. Lots of bloody action. Definitely...