Plant it, and they will come.
Luvlinguae : I’ve watched all (so far) 3 seasons and let me spare the newcomers some time and pain: thi...
Luvlinguae : At least with LOST we got truly memorable and charismatic characters that stuck with us lo...
Piglet : When I was a radio dj, I worked midnight to 6am and was in the building by myself! I read ...
r1kon : lol get the fuck out of here. Nobody talks like that about Trump, we don't need your troll...
MP8219 : I enjoyed it, but I'm also in the Industry, so there's that.
snazzydetritus : Excellent recommendation, r! Another reason we are kindred spirits - I have been trying to...
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.
maxx.black2 : Combining both history and natural history (and not overly narrated), I found this to be v...
ziggycat2008 : They all were good to me but this was the best.
random000 : The Hubley's are pretty unique. Love how the human condition itself is their primary subje...
Luvlinguae : I’ve watched all (so far) 3 seasons and let me spare the newcomers some time and pain: thi...