The Cuphead Show! follows the unique misadventures of the impulsive Cuphead and his cautious but easily swayed brother Mugman. Through their many misadventures across their surreal home of the Inkwell Isles, they've always got one another's backs. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 6.7/10 | |
Released: | February 18, 2022 | |
Genres: | Comedy Children | |
Companies: | Netflix King Features Syndicate StudioMDHR Lighthouse Studios Netflix Animation | |
Cast: | Tru Valentino | |
Crew: | Dave Thomas Jared Morgan Cosmo Segurson Sara Jane Sherman Dan Becker Karl Hadrika Michael Ruocco C.J. Kettler Casey Alexander Nick Lauer Andrea Fernandez 18 more Ego Plum Claire Finn Cormac Slevin Zoë Moss Fernando Puig Deeki Deke Margaret Hoffman Benjamin Arcand Dave Wasson Jared Moldenhauer Chad Moldenhauer Adam Paloian Jules Bridgers Kennedy Tarrell Megan Boyd Ian Vazquez Austin Faber Sam Kessler | |
hants2 : another one bites the dust, canceled