Life Special Investigation Team follows an insurance investigation team who investigates foul play and insurance cheats. They are a group of normal employees who decide to take a stand, unearthing the truth hidden beneath the lies and discovering the dark secrets of those in power. Everyone has a secret they want to keep under covers forever, and insurance agents and policy holders are no different. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | April 13, 2008 | |
Runtime: | 80 min | |
Genres: | Action Drama Romance | |
Countries: | South Korea | |
Companies: | MBC | |
Cast: | Uhm Ki Joon Kim Heung Soo Shim Eun Jin | |
Crew: | Yoon Ji Hoon Kwon Sung Chang Im Tae Woo | |
Libs368 : This is how I was with Dark Matter too!