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Gizmil 8 points 3 years ago.

am i the only one who hated this show? Its just the worst!

TisOnlyMe 2 points 3 years ago.

It’s all a matter of taste though isn’t it? EMILY IN PARIS is a frothy, light entertainment. It’s colourful and frivolous and if that isn’t your cuppa tea, you’ll hate it. Last year season 1 hit the spot for me, something a bit joyful to watch during Lockdown, i loved it. The new season, haven’t started it yet, might hate it this time, who knows? Point is, no-one likes everything, which is why having such variety to choose from here at Primewire is so egalitarian.. there’s something here for everyone though we prob won’t all love the same thing! Vive la difference ! :))x

mikeym 4 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Good actress and Paris looks great. I wouldn’t nornally watch a “chick” series but it’s not bad.
HOWEVER - very predictable and of course the usual stereotypes, we know that the French are going to resent her and then she wins them over………. They make the French out to be all arrogant and lazy, smoking everywhere, dogs pooping on sidewalks etc. I’ve been to Paris and didn’t see any of this.
I wonder what is wrong with Hollywood writers when they do the OBVIOUS, it could’ve been so much better. But I suppose they are making this for the teenage crowd who will over look the obvious

Snowdrop 2 points 3 years ago*.

I tried waiting for a Second Season before starting to watch this (so I wouldn’t have to wait a week for an episode) but I’ve literally watched EVERYTHING else so couldn’t wait any longer. This is such a great idea - funny it hasn’t been thought of before??? Mixing fashion with Paris and a young, enthusiastic, passionate social media genius. I love Lily Collins’ portrayal of the main character - she has guts and integrity and is fearless when it comes to being herself. She could have so easily been a bimbo with great fashion sense. But she’s smart, engaging and a great role moodel. I’ve only seen the first two episodes but just wanted to say how much I’m enjoying the show. It looks amazing (Paris for beginners) and promises to be an enjoyable, breath of fresh air :)

thatguy007 2 points 4 years ago. 3/5 stars.

This movies is all about bad french culture

TisOnlyMe 2 points 4 years ago.

Wow, what’s happening?! This is the second NETFLIX Original prog that i’ve really enjoyed this week and i usually hate their output. EMILY in PARIS is stylish and fun, it’s young, LILY COLLINS is extremely likeable, wears great clothes and no doubt will be loved by her generation. Yonkk is right, there is something of the gamine AUDREY HEPBURN about her, though with the pushy confidence of the Instagram generation! Thankfully Ms Collins hasn’t inherited her Dad’s accent. PARIS looks wonderful in the background, the rest of the cast do a fine job and the script and editing are pretty good actually. I just wish there were more than 10 half-hour episodes..i’ve almost finished this series already! Cinq etoiles pour moi mes amies! :))x

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LVPVS 1 points 3 years ago.

WOW… Darren Starr really IS a “one-trick pony”.

greenguy86 1 points 4 years ago.

Once you get over all the French cliches, it is very entertaining. It is to far-fetched for anyone to still believe in those type of stereotypes. Lily Collins does a brilliant job as the lead(Emily). Look forward to a second season.

AmieWarren 1 points 6 months ago*.

This is just a fun show, not to be taken seriously. When I was young, The Dukes of Hazzard got panned by all the “intellectual” tv watchers, but it was one of the most popular shows on TV — why? Just like Emily in Paris, it was just something to take you away from your own problems.
Just finished Season 4, and can’t wait until next year!

FunnyWithFierce 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Season 2 is back..! Can’t wait to binge watch it!

yonkk 1 points 4 years ago.

Not really Sex and the City but more like Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

citylion 0 points 3 years ago.

It’s a cartoon. It’s a soap for younger folks. It’s exaggerated color palettes and emotionally self indulgent well to dos….
MTV and sex and the city aesthetics had a baby and France is rightfully mad about it.
I get it though. It’s a guilty pleasure dream world and we’re all in need of a little white noise at this time.

LVPVS 0 points 4 years ago.

Wow… Darren Star REALLY IS a “one trick pony”…