WCW Monday Nitro was a weekly professional wrestling telecast produced by World Championship Wrestling, created by Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff. The show aired Monday nights on TNT, going head-to-head with the World Wrestling Federation's (WWF) Monday Night Raw from September 4, 1995 to March 26, 2001. Production ceased shortly after WCW was purchased by the WWF. The debut of Nitro began the Monday Night Wars, a ratings battle between the WWF and WCW that lasted for almost six years and saw each company resort to cutthroat tactics to try to compete with the competition. In mid-1996, Nitro began to draw better ratings than Raw based on the strength of the nWo storyline, a rebellious wrestling stable that wanted to take over WCW. Nitro continued to beat Raw for 84 consecutive weeks, forcing WWE owner Vince McMahon to change the way he did business. As the nWo storyline grew stagnant, fan interest in the storyline waned, and Raw began to edge out Nitro in the ratings.The turning point for the organizations came during mid April 1998 after Steve Austin won his first WWF title. From that week forward, Raw beat Nitro in the ratings by a significant amount, and WCW was never able to regain the success it once had. Besides broadcasting from various arenas and locations across the country (such as the Mall of America in suburban Minneapolis, Minnesota, from which the very first episode of Nitro was broadcast), Nitro also did special broadcasts from the Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando in 1996, and did annual Spring Break-Out episodes from Panama City Beach, Florida starting in March 1997. The rights to WCW Monday Nitro now belong to WWE.

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Ratings: TVMaze: No Rating
Released: September 4, 1995
Runtime: 120 min
Countries: United States
Companies: TNT World Championship Wrestling (WCW) World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) WWE Home Video WWE Network
Cast: Steve Borden Hulk Hogan Chris Benoit Ric Flair Paul Wight Booker Huffman Larry Pfohl Tony Schiavone Joe Laurinaitis Mike Rotunda Scott Bigalow 1 more


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