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New York is in the middle of a cold snap, but Carrie and Petrovsky's relationship continues to sizzle. The pair cuddle up in the Russian's apartment for several days, causing Carrie to somewhat isolate herself from her friends. During this period, Carrie starts to wonder if she and Petrovsky have anything in common. They never talk about work, even though Petrovsky has a huge exhibition looming in Paris. When Carrie finally does come home from Petrovsky's, she's got a week's worth of messages waiting for her... all from Big. She erases the messages, and gets a sense of satisfaction from doing so.

Samantha (along with her fabulous collection of wigs) is non-plussed to hear growing rumors that Smith is actually gay. However, after a carefully cropped image of Smith, Stanford and Marcus sees print, the talk intensifies, and Sam is stuck with the label of "fag hag." To combat the rumors, Sam breaks out a video camera, and films a raunchy sex scene between her and Smith. The tape "leaks" to the press, and Smith's (and Sam's) sexual preferences are firmly established once and for all.

Charlotte decides to take Elizabeth Taylor back into competition, entering the King Charles Spaniel in a dog show. The event doesn't go smoothly, as Elizabeth goes into heat right before the judging. Despite leaving a trail of blood droplets in the ring, Elizabeth takes first prize, largely due to the judge being sweet on Charlotte. Harry and Charlotte take Elizabeth to the park to celebrate, but the spaniel ends up mounted by numerous other pooches, much to the dismay of the Goldenblatts.

The general disarray of the Hobbes/Brady house in Brooklyn is starting to get to Miranda. Even though Steve is constantly tinkering with the property, she finds every chance to flee back to Manhattan. After a difficult night out with the girls, she returns home to discover that Steve has finally installed her DSL line, making Brooklyn feel a bit more like home to her.

Carrie gets Petrovsky to agree to meet with all of the girls for a drink, but he ends up no-showing the get-together due to his workload. Carrie brings the girls up to the Russian's studio to introduce everybody, but he winds up shooing them all alway so he can continue to work. After the girls leave, Carrie approaches Petrovsky, only to discover that he's in the midst of an anxiety attack about his upcoming exhibition in Paris. He finally is willing to discuss his work with her, and the couple spends the rest of the night talking.

  • Currently 3.0/5
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Title: The Cold War
Air Date: February 1, 2004
Runtime: 30 min
Genres: Drama Romance Comedy

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