The end of a five-episode pilot for She-Ra which continues on the previous 4 episodes. Skeletor and Hordak join forces and kidnap Princess Adora. But Hordak doesn't return to his planet with her, instead, Skeletor betrays him and tries to blackmail King Randor. But Adora manages to escape Beastman and gets her sword. By the time He-Man, Man-at-Arms and Teela come to rescue, She-Ra has already defeated Skeletor and his minions. Next stop, Etheria. There, Hordak unleashes all his tech at the rebels, but She-Ra and He-Man dispose of all that metal with ease. Upon victory, She-Ra and He-Man say their goodbyes for the time being, and She-Ra remains on Etheria to protect it from the Horde.
michaelmyers : ok boys round 2 is up go to your corners and why all the fuss over a lifetime...