Geogenesis : That was really funny! There were more than a few WTF??? moments but that's what he does a...
(⌐■_■) : EauNoe, I'll be up all night worrying about a starting point... religiosity is very diffi-...
alicefell : I had to stop watching because the dubbed versions did not include Russian-speaking parts,...
girlfreddy : Am wondering the same thing. Just binged The Expanse and trying to find something else tha...
Merrigan Able : Yes, gonna watch Revenge tomorrow. 😊
Dante89 : Awesome episode :D and I never actually seen the uncensored version before. Pretty hilario... : If you enjoy these intimate glimpses into marine life, you might like "My Octopus Teacher"...
kerfy : and well worth it, I have a fingernail left stil .. lol Great start episode. It's the same...
maxx.black2 : But, does he remember "Ethel the Frog" ?
Patchouligal2 : Wow...this is so amazing... Really glad I found it!!