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Ash arrives at the Viridian Gym and is ready to head inside when Gary shows up. Gary brags about how many badges he has and goes inside the gym before Ash can. Inside Gary is having an easy time battling the Gym Leader until he brings out a pokemon that can't be identified, and uses it to beat Gary. Meanwhile, Togepi gets separated from the group and everyone goes searching for it. Togepi ends up with Team Rocket who deliver it to Giovanni, who wants nothing to do with it. He is then called away on important business and leaves the gym in the care of Jessie, James, and Meowth and hands them pokemon to use. Ash and the others arrive back at the gym only to discover that Togepi is inside. Once inside they find Gary and wake him up and they talk about what happened. Team Rocket then shows up for a battle with Ash. He agrees to a gym battle, but it may have some shocking consequences if he makes a wrong move.

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Title: The Battle of the Badge
Air Date: September 17, 1998
Runtime: 30 min
Genres: Adventure Fantasy Anime

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