hellsingfan01 : This is a film that would have been much better off as a TV series as the plot and the cha...
greyfur : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I do too, but been watching on Vid.Src and the first one was all in English, the second wa...
greyfur : Ahhh, dumber then a box of rocks...
Monkey Spanker : There is ground being lost due to tidal erosion all over the world, there is also new land...
Tomasthedog : Stepping on moss is NOT a spoiler!!…
Odie : Happy St. Paddys day!
BladesofTroy : I dont know what happened behind the scenes but the production really seems to have gone u...
michaelmyers : they going all out with this one lol !
Kardat : Huge fan of Bill since his first couple of CD's and his legendary beatdown on Philly. I pu...
Alien : Thank you, successfulcrab !