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Hulu has announced that they are reviving “Futurama” for 20 new episodes. Most of the original voice cast is already signed up (just Bender to go).
I was shocked HE was the holdout.
Apparently the greedy fool is holding out because he’s after more money (for all the cast) … as if they aren’t hugely over-paid already.
The Bender voice actor has now signed on to the revived show as well.
Good news, everybody!
yes yes yes yes yes
Sweet, now if someone would only bring back King of the Hill, I’ll tell you what….
I want to see a reboot where a grown-up Bobby is a serial killer and the classic episodes are actually distorted memories of his childhood, used to justify slaughtering people who use charcoal grills.
But that’s probably just my twisted imagination.
If the Ghost of Cotton Hill mentally torments Bobby, i’m all in…
I’ve been laughing at this for four hours. I want in on this project. I can see Bobby’s face.
Why? it ended perfectly with 7. hopefully this doesn’t turn into another Scrubs
YES! I read the article yesterday. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW! haha
I was almost finished with S7, with only 5 episodes left, so I was happy to hear that there’ll be new episodes. Really love this show. “Bender, this is Fry’s decision… and he made it wrong, so it’s time for us to interfere with his life”
The current season (12) just hasn’t had any good episodes. With one ep left I’m not holding my breath that the finale will be any good.
‘Tis disheartening.
Seasons missing?
Nah they’re not missing. After they got cancelled the second time, they released a couple movies a year for 3 years (07-09), each technically being referred to as a season them selves. which makes up the gap. You can see them under Season 6 at the bottom labeled “Special”
What happened to Season’s 8, 9 & 10?
Seasons 8, 9, and 10 of Futurama were produced as seven seasons, but aired as 10 seasons. Season 6 was split into 6A (season 7) and 6B (season 8), and season 7 was split into 7A (season 9) and 7B (season 10). The episodes are broken up differently based on medium, with home video releases changing the episode breakdown per volume, and digital releases changing the season numbers.
In other words, all episodes from seasons 8 ,9 and 10 are already listed in season 6 and 7.
Freakazoid has just 2 seasons, but it’s messy like that.
So basically it’s an Icarly situation were episodes where produced for one season but then aired as part of the next season instead.
It’s all kind of confusing. There were originally 4 seasons (72 episodes). Fox aired a lot of it out of order and stretched it to the 5 seasons you see listed here. After that, there were 4 straight to DVD movies made that were later split up into episodes and aired on Comedy Central as season 5, or 6 depending on how you count it. Then there were the two 26 episodes seasons on Comedy Central that were split up and aired over 4 years.
The gist of it is that there is nothing missing here except for the movies, which are listed as the specials at the end of season 5, and you can find links for those on their individual movie pages.
NOBODY has anything to say about this amazing show!??! Come on people!
Good luck to the downloaders who are trying to label the season and episode for their razzberries.
Futurama is gone but we still have Simpsons. Life is cruel.
Futurama is coming back for 20 more episodes in 2023.
If there is one series that has proven it can survive being cancelled and resurrected…it’s Futurama. Dare I hope it will still be good?
Having just watched the newest episode. I am truly impressed and its like the last 10 years never happened. It does not miss a beat!