BobbyBBB : Well that challenge s*cked. YAAWWWNNN! Total bomb!
BobbyBBB : Don't you and your wife's boyfriend have a Tesla dealership to fire bomb?
BobbyBBB : That's not what your sister and ColliduhCuck's wife said last night!
CollideDuhScope : So imma guessing to each their own regarding the polotickin here.. I do wonder why it alwa...
burgermeister : Leon's not going to like this! lol
Alien : I'm just going to wait for better quality and hosts.
ziggycat2008 : I second that what a wonderful actor.
HudsonJr : Terrible, even worse than the live action Dumbo!
hellsingfan01 : More have just been added.
Alien : In the vidmoly link title it says "CAMRip." I can't access either one of these links, anyw...