Danfis : I can't wait for the Popeye stuff to come out. He becomes public domain this year. So far ...
cocorific : My 21 year old son can explain all of them, right back to William Hartnell. It is amazing...
grhaggerty : Great show
cocorific : I've been a fan since the mid 70's, imagine all the heartbreak I've experienced! lol
BobbyBBB : They're the NIMBY's!
kraichgau : thanks,true and good to correct me ...i loved the series and the books
FillipW : I grew up off of Dr who. now i find it repulsive
Xanthippe : Now finally I'm in the club, too. I felt so lonely and left out. This is fun :-)
yellow_rose1 : Awesome. I requested this a while ago. I couldn't find it anywhere. Thank you linkers.
kraichgau : the series was from 81...just pure genius then
Danfis : I can't wait for the Popeye stuff to come out. He becomes public domain this year. So far ...