Piglet : I am the type of person who will look at all the surrounding things in a scene or a long p...
BoochJohnson : Looks like season 7 may be the best yet. With a sequel to USS Callister! The trailer loo...
hellsingfan01 : The episode is now back up on BBCIPlayer with the audio from a certain very controversial ...
BoochJohnson : Just heard, season 7 will have a sequel to The USS Callister!!! Starring Paul Giamatti. ...
Rasnac : First season was perfect. Lost its way a little bit and got really weird and esoteric arou...
Rasnac : This is a surprisingly good show.
mikebcarguy : The story by Ambrose Bierce (and the Twilight Zone episode), "An Occurrence at Owl Creek B...
mkmikas : never seen a whale shit before..
gldmediatv : Really-ЖЖЖЖ-Struggle to imagine what the first was like ?
Dis : Agree. Trying to find it now...