grasshopper rex : If asking questions was forbidden, your comments would have been removed. lol
grasshopper rex : Content providers make a very small amount from each view. If by ads you mean the pop-ups ...
NoelCoyotebleu : Lame and disgusting comment. Happy to take the hit for it too.
TacoDirtyToMe : This show is just so unrealistic. There's no way Americans would be convinced to vote for ...
Odie : Sold out?are you kidding me? He bought in son. Billl Burr is one of the most authentic com...
random000 : Those people are moderators who moderate the site. The site is automated in some functions...
random000 : The site owner hasn't been online this year & has nothing to do with anything being posted...
Euringer : How did his wife interfere with his authentic self?
Crim : trump?