Twixtid : Indians really do point with their lips, my father does it all the time.
Sassinak : its a good thing I cant remember the novels. But I do enjoy the show.
Alien : What a lovely couple. It's hard to understand why people would be against what they were d...
random000 : The Apple Pie is NYC. Has great cars. Not really about anything. Absurd. Strung together l...
Pringokid : We have a great community yourself included. People like Jones or whatever are not worth y...
Dethkids : This is why I always say, If you don't like the concert go to a different show! Lol
random000 : Yet go on a nature walk where we live & it's boobs in the woods all day. Both kinds. The k...
Euringer : Why did you copy and paste this same comment? Why aren't you replying to the comment? Why ...
grasshopper rex : You didn't ask a question. You bashed the site owner. Many of us have been using this site...
darklighter1 : Now see this is nice. Two liberals clearing the air. You should go light a Tesla on fire t...