Kevin7777777 : Nice to know when exactly it will be released, and that they are going to upload it.
biker_71 : life certainly does go by too fast, good ending to the series though kinda sad.
Kardat : Recently binged all of the seasons again, for fun, good timing on S6. Looking forward to s...
Kardat : Agreed, good so far, interesting story, great family show in the SW universe, as expected ...
mkmikas : thats it. i did hear critique of the doc saying it didnt provide solutionsss or maybe didn...
iseenocolor06 : OMG now that's how you end a series
Sassinak : Plots within plots
PsyEnz : i do believe this is the last great Star Trek series, it has that Next Gen Voyager DS9 fee...
dampyiel2200 : Better than I expected to be honest.
FillipW : corny the whole dam season