whelmed : Great info! Cheers Odie!!
Odie : This is the third installment of a continuity. Resolution, and Endless are the other two f...
kameljoe21 : From what I learned, the date was for when CW was suppose to drop it. Now that they broker...
mkmikas : oh ordering cheeseburgers in the middle of the night... on the other hand becoming a bette...
Xsile : Ya know the original what if comic ran from 1977 to 1984 and are really good. I have sever...
Dante89 : My Second watch! And yes 4th is the best! <3
Dante89 : Great episode! :D
whelmed : 30min in I REALLY DIG THIS.
girlfreddy : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Come bin day ...
yellow_rose1 : This is by far the best Terminator movie every created. If James Cameron hasn't directed i...