Movies and Shows Similar to The Haunted World of El Superbeasto

Monster Brawl (2011)

For Annabelle (2015)

LifeTime (2014)

#Dupe# (2015)

Crashletes (2016)

Fangbone! (2016)

Ghost Hunt (2005)

UFO Journals (1979)

Pink U.F.O. (1978)

Fubar (2004)

Rock 'Em Dead (2007)

Strange Brew (1983)

Skulhedface (1994)

Shot (2001)

Metamorphoses (1979)

Fuzzbucket (1986)

Absurd Planet (2020)

Halloween (2007)

The Secret (2007)

Halloween II (2009)

Black Sheep (1996)

Wolfcop (2015)

Pumpkinhead (1989)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......