Movies and Shows Similar to Mind Benders

Cyber Eden (1992)

Frozen Impact (2004)

Six Pack (1983)

Emma's Wish (1998)

Wedding Band (1990)

Moonchild (1994)

Hitman (2012)

Pale Saints (1997)

The Elevator (1996)

Joey Breaker (1993)

Final Embrace (1992)

Crew Cut (1979)

Zero to Sixty (1978)

The Terror (1938)

Red Midnight (1966)

Hong Kong (1960)

Tropix (2004)

One Kill (2000)

Wanted (1999)

Twist of Fate (1999)

The Intruder (1981)

Stillwatch (1987)

Fran (1985)

Mama (1949)

The Shadows (2007)

Mortuary (2005)

The Risen (2003)

Ping! (2001)

Rhapsody (2000)

Monsterland (2008)

Motel (1998)

Unforgivable (1996)

Glory Days (1988)

Swim Team (1979)

Mercy Island (1941)

Blue Moon (1999)

Epitaph (1988)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......