Movies and Shows Similar to Meet the Hitlers

The Week (2015)

Long Shot (2017)

Dedication (2008)

Monday Monday (2009)

American Fork (2007)

Queen Mimi (2016)

Child of Rage (1990)

Trust the Man (2006)

After Tiller (2014)

BFFs (2014)

Uncle Saddam (2000)

Going Bananas (1987)

The Merger (2018)

Expecting (2013)

Wake. (2018)

Return Home (1990)

Opening Night (2017)

Me and My... (2016)

Fatty Finn (1980)

Lex and Rory (1994)

Walk of Fame (2020)

Together (2015)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......