Movies and Shows Similar to Children on Their Birthdays

Gypsy Colt (1954)

Baby Bulldog (2020)

Callie & Son (1981)

Chosen (2021)

Lady Scarface (1941)

Celeste (2018)

Blacktop (2000)

Deadly Crush (2018)

The Actors (2003)

Evil Eyes (2004)

Reach Me (2014)

Dead Heat (2002)

Effie Gray (2014)

Little Heroes (2006)

Jack Jonah (2019)

InSight (2011)

Molly (1999)

Voyage (1993)

Boundaries (2018)

The Hollow (2016)

Forever Lulu (2000)

Captive (2015)

Gargantua (1998)

Blume in Love (1974)

She's Missing (2019)

Broken Horses (2015)

Judas Kiss (1999)

Sacrifice (2016)

Hitchcock (2012)

Wit (2001)

Son of Lassie (1945)

Gallows Road (2015)

Vinegar Hill (2005)

The Falling (2015)

Hope Bridge (2015)

The Mercy (2018)

A Good Woman (2005)

Scrawl (2019)

Prairie Fever (2008)

Nightforce (1987)

Dis : It's still listed as running! I need to see more! That can't be the end. Great series!