Movies and Shows Similar to Nathan East: For the Record

Riptide (1934)

YesYears (1991)

Born Reckless (1958)

Punk '76 (2013)

GoldenEra (2022)

Pele Forever (2004)

The DOC (2022)

Out of Omaha (2018)

Mushibugyou (2013)

Cinemania (2003)

Raging Boll (2010)

Mixed Blood (1985)

Client 9 (2011)

Tempest Storm (2016)

The Ondekoza (2016)

New York Doll (2005)

D.O.A. (1981)

Tokyo Cowboy (1994)

High Score (2006)

Zulu Summer (2019)

grasshopper rex : I feared this would be the case. What they've done to this beautiful, haunting piece of ar...