Movies and Shows Similar to Hi-Life

Cook Off! (2017)

Aspen Extreme (1993)

Future '38 (2017)

Amore! (1993)

Movie Movie (1979)

Baby It's You (1983)

Secrets (1992)

Kaleidoscope (1966)

Kathy O' (1958)

Goldie (1931)

Miracle Beach (1992)

Remembrance (1996)

Heartbeat (1993)

Fine Things (1990)

Changes (1991)

The Nude Bomb (1980)

Daddy (1991)

Squirm (1976)

Forever (1992)

Maybe Baby (1988)

The Ascent (1994)

Miami Beach (2016)

Phenom (1993)

Exposé (2005)

Desert Rats (1988)

Too Much Sun (1991)

The Big Time (2002)

Torch Song (1993)

Vanished (1995)

Millions (1991)

Born to Run (1993)

The Sandpiper (1965)

Foreplay (1975)

Irwin & Fran (2016)

Cannes Man (1997)

Scarlet Angel (1952)

Pit Stop (1969)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......