Movies and Shows Similar to Sweet Evil

Revenge (2000)

Africa (1999)

High Stakes (1989)

The Circle (2002)

Going Down (2003)

Plan B (2001)

Possums (1998)

Intervention (2012)

Expect to Die (1998)

The Best Man (1998)

Deadly Ransom (1998)

Kid Cop (1998)

Born to Ride (1991)

L'incruste (2004)

Perfect Game (2000)

Hot Chocolate (1992)

Family Tree (2000)

That's Life (2000)

Meego (1997)

Latin Dragon (2004)

Gideon (1998)

Bad Blood (1994)

Dead Girls (2014)

Big and Hairy (1998)

Floating (1997)

Paper Dolls (1982)

Traxx (1988)

The Duke (1999)

The Operation (1990)

Bridesmaids (1989)

Sol Goode (2003)

The Chase (1991)

Man Camp (2013)

Night Owl (1993)

Little Women (1978)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......